Doug Hensch is an ICF (International Coach Federation) credentialed coach who brings a wealth of experience and passion to the work he does for his clients. His philosophy is simple: Set meaningful goals. Identify your strengths. Work in them regularly.
This philosophy guided him at Nextel Communications where he led the company’s eCare efforts that resulted in yearly savings that exceeded $10 million. Working in his strengths with purpose helped him launch a leading self-improvement web site that helped over 100,000 people increase their well-being and resilience. Doug has touched the lives of business executives, managers, and individual contributors with innovative coaching, engaging workshops, and thought-provoking consulting. Dr. Martin Seligman, Fox Leadership Professor of Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania and the ‘father of Positive Psychology,’ referred to Doug as one of his “most talented young colleagues.”
The father of two active little boys, Doug lives in the Washington, DC, metro area, coaches his son’s sports teams, and is active in the community. He tries to use his signature strengths every day (Gratitude, Judgment, Modesty/Humility, Fairness/Equity/Justice, and Capacity to Love & be Loved) in his personal and professional life.
When he’s not working with clients or brainstorming with colleagues, he is wrestling with his kids, hanging out with friends, rooting for the Red Sox, working out, or just spending time with his family.
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